What Types of Accidents Qualify for Worker’s Compensation Claims?

What Types of Accidents Qualify for Worker’s Compensation Claims?

Nobody expects to be injured on the job, but it can be a confusing and overwhelming experience when it happens. Fortunately, worker’s compensation is a system in place to help those who suffer an injury or illness due to work-related activities. At Montoya Law in Southern California, our award-winning lawyers have a long history of successfully representing clients in worker’s compensation cases. Contact us today to receive your free case evaluation, and keep reading to learn more about what types of on-the-job accidents qualify for worker’s compensation claims.

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Work-Related Injuries

Work-related injuries are the most common type of accident that can qualify for worker’s compensation. These are injuries that occur while the employee is on the job or performing work-related activities. Examples of these types of injuries include slips, falls, and back injuries due to lifting or carrying heavy objects.

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Occupational Diseases

Occupational diseases occur when an employee is exposed to hazardous conditions that lead to an illness. This can include anything from respiratory illnesses due to exposure to asbestos to hearing loss due to exposure to loud noise.

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Repetitive Motion Injuries

Repetitive motion injuries are another type of illness that can qualify for worker’s compensation. These injuries occur due to repetitive motions, such as typing, lifting, or other activities requiring repeated movements. These types of injuries often develop gradually over time and can be challenging to diagnose.

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Stress-Related Injuries

Stress-related injuries are another type of injury that can qualify for worker’s compensation. These are injuries that occur due to excessive stress on the job. Examples of these types of injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and other psychological issues such as depression or anxiety.

When it comes to worker’s compensation, there are many different types of accidents and illnesses that can qualify for coverage. From work-related injuries to stress-related injuries, it is important to understand what qualifies you to get the compensation you deserve. At Montoya Law, we are here to help you through the process and ensure that you get the coverage that you need. Contact us today and get the best legal representation in Southern California for your case.

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